Tag Archives: art

Who Are These People

These are the people who juggle, and ride unicycles for a living and make a mean bean sopa. They are the people who will swim with me all day and stay up with me all night editing the photos. They will get robbed, speak Spanish with an Italian accent, drink tequila at 10am and sit on the beach until all hours to watch the moon rise and never miss a beat. They are the people who will ride miles and miles into the jungle on a bike with flat tires just so I can pet a few dogs. These are the people who make me coffee and then make me laugh until my stomach hurts. These are some of the most talented, creative, inspiring, thoughtful and caring people I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing, and we get to live together and make art in the Mayan Jungle on Yal Ku Lagoon in a restaurant-turned-residency in Akumal, Mexico.

These are the people who let me take pictures of them.
All the time.


Jaqueline Cole & Luca Bray


Jaqueline Cole & Luca Bray in Real Life


Jaqueline Cole • Maribel Bianchi • Marina Fomenka • Ali Goodwin • Amy Clay


Ryan Walter Wagner & Karl Saliter


Karl Saliter & Luca Bray


Ali Goodwin & Luca Bray


They are the people who remind me every day how lucky I am.
Without saying a word.

ONDARTE | January 2012 | Akumal, Mexico


These are my people.

Amy Clay – USA
Ryan Walter Wagner – BC
Karl Saliter – USA
Jaqueline Cole – Mexico
Marina Fomenka – Russia
Alec Von Bargen – Photographer & Ondarte Founder
Luca Bray – Painter & Funny Italian Guy

(Alec isn’t in these photos because he had to go to the States or something. Don’t you worry. I’ll get him.)