All Too Good

I have arrived and I am all in one piece for the most part. There is the small issue of a freshly broken toe and a recently stolen camera but hey, it’s Mexico. Let’s start there and say that the rest is just part of the story.

And this is going to be some story.

I’ve been here for a little over a week now, and it feels like forever and like I just got here just yesterday. Time doesn’t tick at the same speed, and surely days have names, in a few languages, but I have lost them all in a blur of sunshine and full moons and new friends and things that go bump in the night that you can’t find on Google. I have written a blog post in my head every day since I saw the color of the water. But as it goes when you are trying to get back to living, my days are so full of snorkels and sightseeing and work, taking photos of everything in between, I hardly have a breath left at the end of it all to write it all down. But I have been. And all of it will sooner or later, end up right here.

For now, just know that it rains in the Mayan Jungle, too, and those of you who think I am “living the life,” let’s take a moment to remember that this very “life” has come at a very steep price for me. I’m choosing sea turtles and tequila over shivering and shoveling snow for a bit. Can you blame me?

I have a lot to tell you – believe me – there are stories here in Akumal that BEG to be told. So hold on to your horses, and keep your eye on my new website. As soon as I get back from tomorrow’s ‘turtle time’ I’ll start writing. I promise.

Turtle Time – Photo By Ryan Walter Wagner


This is all too good to keep all to myself.

One thought on “All Too Good

  1. Angela LaRoche

    OH Ali…you deserve this and more. The trip looks amazing, you look amazing and I cannot wait to read everything you’ve been writing in your head! Enjoy your trip!

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